Most probably when you're using our service, you'll come across with UUID when you register your IP address with us. 

If you wish to know more about UUID, you can refer to our article below:

What's this UUID?

Once you've got your UUID link as per our article above, you can simplify or automate the IP registration process following the steps below:

Internet Browser

Bookmark the UUID URL and launch this page before accessing any other supported TV websites.


This can be done on all devices that has an Internet browser i.e mobile phone, computer, consoles.

Task Scheduler (Windows computer)

This method will register the IP address each time the computer is turned provided it has an active Internet connection.

To set this up on your Windows computer, please follow the steps in the link below:

Update Simpletelly IP address automatically via Task Scheduler (Windows)

Cronjob ( Mac / Linux )

If you are on a Mac or a Linux system, you can automate the IP registration via Cron.

Open Terminal.

Type crontab -e to create a new cronjob and enter the line below:

* * * * * curl > /dev/null 2>&1

Note: The UUID above is just an example, please replace it with your UUID that you get from your accounts page and ensure the command is in a single line.

Save the cronjob and exit back to the Terminal.

Type in crontab -l to confirm the cronjob is added to the list correctly.

The above command will basically register your IP address every minute when the computer is turned on, you can change the frequency as you prefer i.e every hour, daily, weekly etc.

Cronjob ( DD-WRT routers )

If you have a router that is flashed with DD-WRT, you can actually set up a cronjob on it as it runs on a version of Linux.

To do so, login to your DD-WRT router page and head to Administration > Management.

Scroll down to Cron and set this to Enable.

Enter the cronjob into the Additional Cron Jobs field

* * * * * curl > /dev/null 2>&1

Note: The UUID above is just an example, please replace it with your UUID that you get from your accounts page and ensure the command is in a single line.

The above command will basically register your IP address every minute as long the router is turned on, you can change the frequency as you prefer i.e every hour, daily, weekly etc.

Scroll down and click on Apply to save the changes.

Any Problems?

If you have any problems and need any further information, please send us an email to and we will do our best to assist you.